
Determination, Dreams, Spoken Word

I believe that words and thoughts are like boomerangs that bounce off our dreams and goals in the future. What comes back to us are signs, people and pathways that will help us move towards our dreams. Like a boomerang, these thoughts and words hit an “invisible plane” before returning to the sender. I think of this plane as the place in the future where dreams and goals dwell, and the strength of our beliefs in them determine how well the boomerang returns into the present, the path forward.

Have you ever remembered someone from years ago that you had lost contact with, and that very day you get a call from them?  Have you ever gone to bed with a wake up time in mind, and your eyes open at that exact time, without an alarm clock? These two examples are not the stuff of dreams, but they are boomerangs.

It is not uncommon for successful people to attribute an event as an answer to a prayer that changed the course of their lives, propelling them forward. Often they don’t believe as much in coincidences as they do in a Master Plan at work.

Prayer- boomerang. Master Plan-boomerang. And the quality of what comes back is determined by the strength of our beliefs.