Attitude, Gratitude and other freebies


“Free Stuff” usually has a cheap connotation. However, the most important things in life do not cost any money. Like love, forgiveness, gratitude, positive attitude, dreams.

Waking up grateful each day with a happy attitude does not cost anything. I believe that gratitude is a perfect foundation for great expectations. We are grateful about – Health (emotional, spiritual, relational, physical, financial), Peace of mind, family & friends, joy & laughter, dreams and goals). Then we find specific things to be grateful for each day. For instance, today I am grateful to Shekar Raman, who suggested a name for this website- “My Words My Life”. The “.com” url was unavailable, and this led me into a quest for names, and I ended up with “My Words My World” and I quite like the alliteration. Very grateful for that.